Malcolm Roberts

PMTS Software Engineer at AMD (Advanced Micro Devices)

GPG public key: malcolm_roberts_pub.asc

Résumé        Academic CV        Research Statement        Publication List        Teaching Statement        Programming Experience        LinkedIn        Google Scholar


PhD, University of Alberta
   Thesis: Multispectral Reduction of Two-Dimensional Turbulence
   Supervisor: John C. Bowman

MSc Applied Math, University of Alberta
   Thesis: Multi-Spectral Decimation Scheme for Turbulence Simulations
   Supervisor: John C. Bowman

BSc Hon. Applied Math, University of Alberta


fftw++, a C++ wrapper for the FFTW library, which also includes new implicitly-dealiased convolution routines.

clff++, a C++ wrapper for the clFFT library. clFFT is an implementation of the FFT in OpenCL, and clff++ makes its use easier by taking care of construction and destruction.

schnaps, a general-purpose discontinuous-Galerkin solver written in C/OpenCL with the idea of being able to run on clusters of GPUS.

opencl-intel-deb-patches, patches for the Debian/Ubuntu packages for Intel's OpenCL drivers. Patched versions are available here.

A thesis template suitable for the University of Alberta math and stats department. Also includes some form templates, and Asymptote-based business cards templates.

Notes for Differential Equations, Malcolm Roberts and Samantha Marion (2015). github

Flusi, a program for performing simulations of Navier-Stokes and MHD flows in complex geometries using penalisation.

Asymptote, a TeX/LaTeX aware vector graphics language.

cooltowarm.asy, an Asymptote implementation of the cool-to-warm (and related) diverging color maps for scientific visualization. A comparison with Asymptote's BWRainbow can be found here.


Bibtex references are available in malcolmroberts.bib.

Malcolm Roberts and John C. Bowman. Multithreaded implicitly dealiased convolutions Journal of Computational Physics. Volume 356, 1 March 2018, Pages 98-114

Malcolm Roberts et al. SEME 2016: OptionWay Project Report. 2016

Philippe Helluy et al. Asynchronous OpenCL/MPI numerical simulations of conservation laws. In: Lecture NotesProceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on OpenCL. 2015

Sebastien Guisset et al. Lagrangian/Eulerian Solvers and Simulations for Vlasov. In: ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys (2016).

Malcolm Roberts and Samantha Marion. Notes for Differential Equations. 2015.

John C Bowman and Malcolm Roberts. Adaptive Matrix Transpose Algorithms for Distributed Multicore Processors. In: Interdisciplinary Topics in Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science. Springer, 2015, pp. 97-103.

Malcolm Roberts et al. Self-organization of helically forced MHD flow in confined cylindrical geometries. In: Fluid Dynamics Research 46.6 (2014), p. 061422.

John C. Bowman and Malcolm Roberts. Pseudospectral Reduction of Incompressible Two-Dimensional Turbulence. In: Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 17.5 (2012), pp. 2008-2013.

John C. Bowman and Malcolm Roberts. Efficient Dealiased Convolutions without Padding. In: SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 33.1 (2011), pp. 386-406.

Malcolm Roberts and John C. Bowman. Dealiased convolutions for pseudospectral simulations. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 318.7 (2011), p. 072037.

Malcolm Roberts. Multispectral Reduction of Two-Dimensional Turbulence. PhD thesis. Edmonton, AB, Canada: University of Alberta, 2011.

Malcolm Roberts. Report on the Math-Stat Graduate Education Round table. 2011.

Malcolm Roberts, John C Bowman, and Bruno Eckhardt. The Multi-spectral Method: Progress and Prospects. In: Advances in Turbulence XII. Springer, 2009, pp. 791-794.

Sean Bohun et al. General Statistical Design of an Experimental Problem for Harmonics. 2008.

Malcolm Ian William Roberts. A Multi-Spectral Decimation Scheme for Turbulence Simulations. MSc thesis. University of Alberta, 2006.

J. C. Bowman et al. Links between dissipation, intermittency, and helicity in the GOY model revisited. In: Physica D 218 (2006), pp. 1-10.


rocFFT: An open-source GPU FFT Library for Exascale Systems, 2020-02-14
   SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing.

Analytic Results from Shell Models of Turbulence, 2016-06-06
   BIRS, Recent Advances in Hydrodynamics. Video

Implicitly Dealiased Convolutions: Parallelization of a New Algorithm for FFT-based Convolutions, 2016-04-26
   IRMA, University of Strasbourg

Computer Modelling Group Presentation, 2016-04-26
   CMG Ltd

Implicitly Dealiased Convolutions for Distributed Memory Architectures, 2016-04-15
   SIAM PP16

Evaluation of a Runtime Environment for a Discontinuous Galerkin Solver for General Hyperbolic Systems, 2016-04-06
   HPC Days Lyon

So You Think You're Fast: Performance Evaluation of Two High-Performance Software Libraries, 2015-12-15
   Labex, University of Strasbourg

Asynchronous OpenCL/MPI Discontinous Galerkin Solver for Conservation laws, 2015-06-11
   SMAI, France

INRIA CR2 Oral Audition, 2014-05-14
   Nancy, France

Self-organisation of helically forced MHD flow in confined cylindrical geometries, 2014-04-15
   Instabilities and Transport in Magnetized Plasmas, Geophysical and Astrophysical Flows, Institute for Advanced Study of Aix-Marseille University, France

Helices in MHD Flow: Numerical Results from Penalized Pseudospectral Simulations , 2014-03-04
   Seminaire Equations aux derivees partielles, Strasbourg University, France

Pseudospectral Simulations in Complex Geometry via Penalisation , 2013-12-02
   Journee Calcul scientifique performant en mecanique de la Federation Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc, Aix-Marseille University, France

Implicitly Dealiased Convolutions for DNS: Preliminary MPI results , 2013-01-17
   Euromech 542, Progress in statistical theory and pseudo-spectral DNS , Ecole Centrale Lyon, France

Convolutions for HPC, 2012-08-14
   CEMRACS 12 CIRM, Marseille, France

Multithreaded Implicitly Dealiased Pseudospectral Convolutions
   Computational Fluid Mechanics Canada Conference 2012, Canmore, Canada

Dice Dice Dice
   LogiCON, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 2012

   Science for the People Podcast, 2012

On the Calculation of Higher-Order Convolutions
   CMS Winter Meeting, Toronto, 2011-12-11

Turbulence, Fine and Coarse
   Condensed matter graduate seminar, University of Alberta, 2011-11-17

Dealiased Convolutions for Pseudospectral Simulations
   13th European Turbulence Conference,Warsaw, Poland, 2011.

The Pseudospectral Method: Recent Advances and Prospects
   KITP, Santa Barbara, California, March 2011. Video and slides in link.

Dealiasing Convolutions for Pseudo-Spectral Simulations
   Computational Plasma Physics Research Group Seminar, Ruhr Universitaet Bochum, Bochum, Germany, 2011.

Dealiasing Convolutions
   Research Seminar, Marburg, Germany, 2010.

Organiser, PIMS Mathematical and Statistical Graduate Education Round table
   Banff International Research Station, Alberta, Canada, 2010.

The Fastest Convolution in the West
   Canada Young Researchers Conference, University of Alberta, 2010.

The Multispectral Turbulence Decimation Method
   Torino, Italy, 2009.

Limits of shell models: finite corrections to Kolmogorov scaling
   Poster, Canada-France meeting, UQAM 2008.

Limits of shell models of turbulence
   Marburg, Germany, 2008.

The multi-spectral method for shell models of turbulence
   CAIMS 2007, Banff, Canada.


Math 201 section EU1, winter 2010.

TA questionnaire for Winter 2011 (tex source).